Who’s putting the nets up? has many memories of growing up in England, and being involved in both youth and amateur adult soccer/football.
Every Saturday or Sunday (during lighter months midweek evenings) I would either be standing on an upside down bucket or on someones shoulders armed with electrical tape hoping the posts weren’t too wet or rusted to hold up the nets for the next two hours!
After the game had finished it was a guaranteed certainty that I was left on my own to take the nets back down again, usually with stern tugging if we had lost the game.
Fast forward to settling in America and nothing changed! youth soccer leagues required us to put up one net with the opposing team responsible for the other.
So what better to call a blog after the many years of hoping someone else would put the nets up!
Welcome to Who’s putting the nets up?

What I do

About Me
My name is Antony Penna, a native from England brought up on a healthy diet of sports! I have a passion for a few sports but my vocation has been in the world of soccer for over 28 years plus playing in my youth.
I grew up in the beautiful county of Cornwall, England. After working for clubs in the UK I had an opportunity to work in the United States coaching soccer.
I then decided to move full time to Dallas, Texas. I am the Technical Director and Director of Soccer Operations for Kernow Storm City Futbol Club, a club that was formed 2004.

Why another soccer blog?
There are an enormous amount of blogs in the community. I wanted to be different by providing:
- Information
- Reviews
- Coaching both adult and youth
- Club management and tools
- Sport Science principles
- Player reviews, club spotlights, and coach interviews
- Game analysis and tactical breakdowns
- Lower league players and clubs to watch

What you won’t find on this site
There are many news outlets and blogs that give premier league, other European leagues and domestic news, transfers, gossip etc. we wont be doing anything mainstream as that.
We will have posts, articles and analysis of lower league, youth leagues (Premier league 2, MLS Next academy, Euro Academy, FA Youth Cup, Scottish academies, English league one and two, the English conference as well as USL and other lower US league structures).
Want to collaborate?
Do you have a passion for soccer? have a want to write, review, blog about something close to you in soccer? maybe you have a love in the soccer market you live, or you like to review soccer cleats, maybe have a story you would like people to follow?
Get in touch, we are looking for more people that would like to have a platform to show their work.